Our Stories: Annmaree Bancroft

Written by NZBWN.

Annmaree Bancroft

I cant live without good friends, contact with family, amazing travel experiences and great food always”.

Instagrammer, blogger and PA to the stars, Annmaree Bancroft has a CV that many of us would envy.  Combining her passion and love of photography, food and travel she boasts a staggering number of followers on Instagram and is the guru behind the NZBWN social media team but where did this all start?

Annmaree grew up in Auckland in the Eastern suburbs, and first travelled at the age of 12 to a wedding in Texas, via LA.  She describes being mesmerised” by the USA and a subsequent trip to Japan further cemented her love of travel.

Whilst completing a Hotel industry certification at Manukau Institute of Technology her curiosity regarding travel and different cultures grew.  Her first ever job as a secretary at an English language school fed this fascination, where she was responsible for organising a variety of afternoon activities for foreign students.

Being a homebody at heart, Annmaree had always been reluctant to relocate, but when her boyfriend announced he wanted to move to London she was given the push she needed.  Unfortunately, the relationship broke up after a year and a half and she admits that she felt very lonelybut didnt want to come home whilst she hatedLondon.  Sleeping on friends’ floors and sofas, Annmaree was determined to make memories before she considered returning to NZ.


04 Jan - Review - Social Media - New Face of Entrepreneurship

Written by Joanna Alpe.

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Global Entrepreneur Week - London

Gathered in the top floor of a Covent Garden Salon, the buzz and electricity in the room as we got started was fairly deafening. It was Global Entrepreneur Week, a week programmed with talks and workshops focusing on how-tos and personal stories of entrepreneurial journey - and it was abundantly clear to me that we had an audience armed with questions, full of anticipation and a strong desire to learn from the people on stage. The perfect setting then to hold a conversation about growing a following online, learning from some of New Zealand’s best: Celeste Wong from The Girl In The Cafe, Rebecca Page from RebeccaPage.com and Jacqueline Gilbert of c1209.
The conversation began with each speaker sharing their story,

20 November - Review 'Authentic Happiness' Business Book Brunch

Written by Bee Christie.

authentic happiness pictureReview of October’s Business Book Brunch:

Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman

We have a saying in our family: “This is happiness”. We use these words to describe a perfect, happy moment and find ourselves saying it often while away on holiday or sitting in a picturesque location usually with a drink in our hand. Happiness has, therefore, always been very top of mind for me, and I actively try to pursue a ‘happy life’ day to day. I was very excited to be reading Martin Seligman’s book called Authentic Happiness and looking forward to discovering secrets on how to be genuinely happy more of the time.

I soon discovered I’ve been pursuing, what Seligman calls, a Pleasant Life. I’ve been using short cuts to find moments of happiness that have an immediate and positive impact on my emotional state but don’t have a long-lasting effect. Seligman uses examples like eating an ice cream or having sex. My short cuts have been holiday adventures and alcoholic beverages. He says people leading this sort of life can feel like they are “fidgeting unto death” because they are going from one thing to another without finding real purpose in life.