20 November - Review 'Authentic Happiness' Business Book Brunch
Review of October’s Business Book Brunch:
Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman
We have a saying in our family: “This is happiness”. We use these words to describe a perfect, happy moment and find ourselves saying it often while away on holiday or sitting in a picturesque location usually with a drink in our hand. Happiness has, therefore, always been very top of mind for me, and I actively try to pursue a ‘happy life’ day to day. I was very excited to be reading Martin Seligman’s book called Authentic Happiness and looking forward to discovering secrets on how to be genuinely happy more of the time.
I soon discovered I’ve been pursuing, what Seligman calls, a Pleasant Life. I’ve been using short cuts to find moments of happiness that have an immediate and positive impact on my emotional state but don’t have a long-lasting effect. Seligman uses examples like eating an ice cream or having sex. My short cuts have been holiday adventures and alcoholic beverages. He says people leading this sort of life can feel like they are “fidgeting unto death” because they are going from one thing to another without finding real purpose in life.