Money, a Love Story by Kate Northrup.
Mon£y – A Love Story
Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want by Kate Northrup
Review by Bronwen Horton
This is the first book we’ve read which covers personal finances and from the outset there was consensus in the room that we were not brought up to talk about money and investments. As always we had some members completely finishing the book and others coming along with differing portions of the book left to read. For us, completing the book is not required but rather a willingness to discuss and give opinions freely and respectfully - especially in this instance where money is not a topic a majority of people feel comfortable talking about.
For most, the book was easy to read with the author using plain English and a layperson’s approach to the subject. If financial jargon was used it was fully explained. What was challenging was that each chapter ended with an exercise. Those around the table who had done the exercises found them useful but those who were reading the book while commuting found this a little difficult.