Mentor Application Process

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Mentoring Programme: What to Expect

Application process:

• Each mentor group has a theme and potential mentees will apply for a theme that best suits the goals or challenges that they want guidance with.

• Each mentor group is limited to just six people, therefore a selection process is used to determine each group. To be considered for a group, you must complete the application form and commit to attend all planned session dates.

• Six mentees will be selected by the Mentoring Programme Team. We aim to create effective and diverse groups that will generate a fulfilling experience for all members (this isn’t a popularity contest).

• Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to re-apply for another theme of interest. The team will keep generating new themes and additional groups to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from this programme.

• As new themes and groups are continuously launched over a period of time all members of the NZBWN will be notified – ensure that you are a member in order to hear about new opportunities. Upcoming themes and past themes are described on the mentoring webpage

Once selected:

• Successful applicants will be required to pay the mentoring programme fee (currently £150) and agree to attend all of the pre-scheduled meeting dates.

• Each mentee must take personal ownership of their learning journey, including framing their initial challenge and identifying aims and gaps to work on in the group.

• Lead mentors may also ask mentees to do some background research or homework.


After each session:

• After each session mentees are encouraged to dedicate 20-30 minutes reflecting on the session, updating progress and reviewing their learnings. 

• Between sessions mentees are expected to take individual actions towards their goals and to support their fellow group members in their progress as well.

• Lead mentors may also ask mentees to complete homework between sessions.