Our Stories: Georgie Mathieson

Written by Gabrielle Grant. Posted in Our Stories.

Georgina NZBWN finalGeorgie’s career has taken off in leaps and bounds within a relatively short time since arriving just over three years ago in February 2012.

Prior to arriving in London, Georgie worked for ANZ within their marketing division and upon landing in London on a 2 year visa was advised against taking on contract roles in lieu of being able to be sponsored with a permanent position.  However, at the time Georgie thought 2 years would suffice in London so took on a 9 month contract role with the Post Office co-ordinating the re-branding of all their branch material with a sizeable retail network of over 18,000 branches.

Our Stories: Gabrielle Grant

Written by The NZBWN Crew. Posted in Our Stories.

gabrielle grantA graphic designer, innovator, marketer and recently turned entrepreneur, Gabrielle moved to the UK from Auckland about 8 years ago that just so happened to co -incide with the worldwide financial crisis. Luckily, with a few months up her sleeve, before the full effects of the crisis ricocheted across London, a job was secured. Not one to stay complacent, and realising the role was similar to the one Gabrielle left in Auckland, albeit on a larger scale, she took a gamble and quit to hunt for a role she really wanted.

"Thankfully it paid off and I spent 5 years with a great company within sports marketing that took me across the globe. To off beaten paths in China where I didn't see another foreigner for the entire duration, sampling food I had no idea what or where it came from, through to functions in Rio De Janeiro. Interestingly enough, at these functions I was often asked if I was the wife of my boss, in a world that is very male dominated."

Our Stories: Rachael Moss

Written by The NZBWN Crew. Posted in Our Stories.

Rachael MossHow does a kiwi-gal evolve from contemporary dancer into advocate for the UK manufacturing industry? This is how. Dance degree in hand in 2003, Rachael ventured across the seas to pirouette her way through Europe. What she didn’t envisage was that, after time travelling and exploring, a number of other opportunities would come her way that would lead her to a surprising and very rewarding career in business….and eventually back in NZ. With a stint working at WHK Auckland supporting the development of SME capability through the logistical delivery and promotion of NZTE funded Exporter Education and Enterprise Training Programmes and, working on the development of the Export Readiness Programme for Producers of Dance & Theatre with Creative New Zealand, she is now back in the UK helping change perceptions that things are no longer made here.