Paris 2024 Olympics: Your experiences!

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Paris olympicsWorking or Volunteering at the Paris Olympic Games this summer? We at the international NZ Business Women’s Network would love to hear from you about your experiences!

If you are part of the New Zealand Olympic organising team, or a Kiwi working in some other capacity around the Paris 2024 Games, we’d be grateful for a few minutes of your time answering the questions in our survey.

We will publish a sample of your answers on our website during the Games. If you’re willing, please also send us a photo which we can post online & on social media too.

Got questions? Contact

Our Stories: Lizzy Grant

Written by Renee Tonkin.

Lizzy GrantWorking on high-voltage batteries for supercars, Lizzy Grant isn’t your everyday Kiwi in the UK. Mechanical engineer, Lizzy, came over to the UK in 2021 to work for supercar company, McLaren Automotive.

Growing up in Auckland, Lizzy didn’t know any engineers, but she loved physics and maths. Her physics teacher introduced her to engineering and after attending the University of Auckland’s recruitment day for women in engineering, Lizzy decided that mechanical engineering was the pathway for her. However, she wasn’t quite ready to give up her love of physics and so she tacked on a conjoint physics degree too.

Our Stories: Kate Caldwell

Written by Ruth Keeling.

IMG 1257For many, the pandemic democratised the possibilities of working transnationally, allowing professionals to work from home - or indeed wherever your heart finds you. Kate Caldwell, international tax and trust law specialist, is keenly aware of the opportunities and also the potential pitfalls of living across countries, both from the professional and the personal side. After a fast-paced stretch in London at a respected City law firm advising high-net-worth individuals and family offices, she and her British partner took the leap to return to New Zealand, where Kate is now Senior Manager in PwC Legal's tax team in Auckland.

Book review: Connect - Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends and Colleagues

Written by Amy Dunn.

Connect book coverIn a world increasingly dominated by digital interactions, 'Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends and Colleagues' by David Bradford and Carole Robin offers a refreshing return to the core: cultivating genuine human connection. Drawing on their decades of experience teaching interpersonal dynamics at Stanford and coaching executives, the authors provide a practical and insightful guide to fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.